Tactile Graphics for Geoscience Education
A digital resource collection of tactile graphics for geoscience education.
83 results

Rock Cycle

Magmatic Environments
igneous materials and processes, igneous intrusions, volcanoes

Volcano Types
igneous materials and processes, volcanoes

Continental Subduction Zone
plate tectonics

Mid-ocean Ridge
plate tectonics

Oceanic Subduction Zone
plate tectonics

Fold Types

sedimentary materials and processes

World Map (Mercator)

Silicate Mineral Structures

Bowen's Reaction Series
igneous materials and processes

Tectonic Plates (with continents)
maps, plate tectonics

Tectonic Plates (without continents)
maps, plate tectonics

Earth's Interior
Earth's interior

Unconformity Types
structures, geologic time

Fault Types

Map of Mid-ocean Ridges
plate tectonics

Rotational Slump
mass wasting, surface processes

mass wasting, surface processes

Oxbow Lake Formation
rivers and streams, hydrology, surface processes

Grand Canyon
historical geology, stratigraphy, geologic time

Halite Crystal Structure

Passive Continental Margin
plate tectonics, Earth's interior

Hotspot Track Cross Section
igneous materials and processes, volcanoes, plate tectonics

Hawaiian Islands Hotspot Track
igneous materials and processes, volcanoes, plate tectonics

Oceanic Fracture Zones: Incorrect Interpretation
plate tectonics

Oceanic Fracture Zones: A Better Interpretation
plate tectonics

Earthquake Focus and Epicenter

Seismogram Record

Seismic Amplification

Stress and Strain (part 1)

Stress and Strain (part 2)

North America

Pleistocene Glacial Maximum
maps, glaciers

North America Showing Present Greenland Ice Sheet
maps, glaciers

Vostok Ice Core
climate change, glaciers

Milankovitch Cycles - Orbital Eccentricity
climate change, glaciers

Milankovitch Cycles - Axial Tilt
climate change, glaciers

Milankovitch Cycles - Axial Precession
climate change, glaciers

Alpine Glacier

Glacial Flow

Relative Dating Exercise
geologic time

Beach Cross-Section

Plunging Folds - Map View

Plunging Folds - Cross-Section

Plunging Folds - Cross-Section, Projected

Radioactive Decay
geologic time

Hutton's Unconformity at Siccar Point
geologic time

Keeling Curve
climate change

Paleogeography - Present
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 20 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 40 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 60 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 80 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 100 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 120 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 140 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 160 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 180 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 200 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 220 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 240 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 260 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 280 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 300 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 320 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 340 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 360 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 380 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Paleogeography - 400 Ma
plate tectonics, geologic time, maps

Age of Seafloor
plate tectonics, maps

Metamorphic Foliation
metamorphic rocks and processes

Sedimentary Sorting
sedimentary materials and processes

Soil Horizons

Geologic Map of Kentucky
maps, geologic time, structures

Major Cities in Kentucky
maps, geologic time

Faults in Kentucky
maps, geologic time, structures

Kentucky Geologic Cross-Section A-B
maps, geologic time, structures

Kentucky Geologic Cross-Section C-D
maps, geologic time, structures

Grand Canyon - Paleozoic Units
historical geology, stratigraphy, geologic time

Grand Canyon - Precambrian Units
historical geology, stratigraphy, geologic time